OUR philosophy
Doncaster Kindergarten acknowledges and respects the Wurundjeri tribe of the Kulin Nation as the traditional owners of the land on which we learn.
We aim to promote an awareness of and respect for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in our service. We value every child as a unique individual and a capable learner. Each child has the right to be treated equally and with respect; regardless of race, culture, ability or gender.
We are inspired by theorists Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey and the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education and believe children are natural communicators who learn through collaboration with adults and peers, guided participation and observation of others, as well as through individual exploration and reflection.
Using the environment as the third educator, we provide opportunities to engage in spontaneous, purposeful activities and believe play is essential in the development of children; which in turn empowers and encourages children to explore and investigate based on their current interests and knowledge.
We acknowledge that education starts at home and the importance of the partnership between families, educators and the community in children’s learning and development.
In planning for and documenting children's learning, we use the VEYLDF (Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework) and Early Years Learning Framework (Belonging, Being and Becoming) in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for all children.
We believe that holding high expectations of children and building trusting and secure relationships not only promotes a sense of identity for them to explore the environment, but also contributes to their social development. In order to promote positive relationships, we always endeavour to provide a safe, secure and supportive environment.
We believe that forming respectful and reciprocal relationships among educators is important.
Open and respectful discussions and reflection among educators helps us to view children’s development from different perspectives. Educators are empowered to employ their strengths to work collaboratively with each other providing high quality educational programs that are nurturing for all children.