Parent run since 1968
Doncaster Kindergarten is a community kindergarten run by a Committee made up of parents
and carers of children who attend the kindergarten.
Each year since 1968, a group of parents have stepped forward to serve on the Committee and
the kindergarten has prospered. Committee members come from all walks of life and there are
many roles which allow parents to use their particular skills.
Close relationship between parents and staff
The Committee meets on a monthly basis in the evening and consists of the roles below.
The Committee considers the needs of the kindergarten from a number of points of view including the teachers, the parents and the community.
Amongst many other things, the Committee runs the kindergarten, reviews fee structures and
employs the staff. The result is a very close relationship between parents and staff and
amongst the parents.
Working together to deliver quality outcomes for educators and children
The Committee is crucial to the kindergarten. The kindergarten cannot operate without it.
Without the ongoing dedication of the kindergarten community and of the Committee as a
whole over the years, our kinder wouldn’t be the excellent learning centre it is today.
Session Times & Class Sizes.You can find our session times here. Class sizes range from 22 to a maximum capacity of 27.
Teachers and Co-EducatorsYou can find information about our teachers and co-educators here.
Enrolment, Fees & OffersYou can find information about our enrolment fees here. Please enrol online with the $25 application fee to join the waiting list. Offers are usually made at the end of May each year, however this may be subject to change. Please contact the enrolment officer for the latest information.
What to wear to kinderChildren learn through play, so please help by sending them along in suitable play clothes. Protective smocks are supplied for painting, however, if your child does get some paint on their clothing, soak the article in cold water. Shoes or sandals with Velcro are strongly encouraged, as your child can be independent. Please avoid shoes with laces unless your child can tie them independently. Thongs, crocs and rubber boots are difficult and dangerous for climbing; long dresses and skirts are also not suitable. Therefore, please avoid sending your child in this type of footwear and clothing. Children may bring along a pair of gumboots/wellingtons to put on during wet days. In summer, shorts are excellent for boys and girls. They are preferable to dresses and jeans that may get wet when playing in the sandpit with water. T-shirts or thin long-sleeved shirts should be worn in SunSmart months rather than singlets/tank tops/spaghetti strap or sleeveless tops. Sunscreen should be applied to children at home before coming to kindergarten during SunSmart months, i.e. January to May and August to December. For 4-year-old children attending a long day session, they will be required to re-apply sunscreen during the day. If not applied at home, sunscreen is available in the kindergarten foyer for use before attending the session. Sunhats must be worn during SunSmart months, i.e. beginning of August until the end of April each year. Sunglasses may also be worn, they are optional. In winter, always remember to put a shirt or long-sleeved tee shirt under the jumper, so children have a layer to take off or put on depending on the weather. Our Kindergarten does have a uniform available for purchase. Uniforms are not mandatory but available for order should you like to purchase items such as hats, polo-shirts and windcheaters. Please refer to the order form for details. The uniform is on display in the kindergarten foyer.
What to bring to kinderLarge backpack or carry bag Each child needs to bring a kindergarten bag that is large enough to carry a hat, set of spare clothes, a water bottle, snack box, lunch box (4-year-olds only) and completed artwork. Please ensure the bag has a wide opening so that painting and artistic works can be carried home with ease. Bags are to be placed in the child’s allocated locker in the kindergarten foyer. Note children’s work will be placed in boxes and alphabetically arranged according to first names. Work can be found within each child’s file in this box. This box is placed on the shelf opposite the kindergarten office. Parents are asked to collect work from the box after each session. Library bag Children in our 4-year-old program need a cloth bag (or equivalent) with handles or a drawstring tape, for borrowing books. It must be large enough to carry a full-sized picture book, and marked in large letters with child's name. Book borrowing starts in Term 2. Healthy morning or afternoon tea – Each child in our 3-year-old program is asked to bring a small container for snack time, consisting of cut up fruit or vegetables, savoury biscuits and cheese or a healthy sandwich. Each child in our 4-year-old program is asked to bring a snack, such as prepared fruit/vegetable, yoghurt, cheese and crackers to each session. On long days, they are asked to bring a lunch box as well as a snack box. Lunch (4-year-olds attending on long days Monday and Wednesday or Fridays only) – Each child in our 4-year-old program is asked to bring lunch on their long days at kinder. For lunch we would suggest a healthy sandwich, sushi or cold pasta. Please ensure that lunch bags are insulated or have ice pack/cooler for items that need to be kept cold. These snacks and lunches are not for sharing but will be eaten at snack or lunch time with other children. We will let you know at your interview whether there are any allergy causing foods that we cannot have at kindergarten. Snack times and lunch times (4-year-olds only) are a time for your children to develop courtesy, table manners, social skills, independence, responsibility, initiative and choice, and learn about healthy eating. Water bottle A water bottle that your child can manage independently and is labelled with your child’s name is to be placed on the trolley in the kindergarten foyer at the beginning of each session. Sun safe hat Each child must bring a sunhat to kindergarten. According to the SunSmart Program and the kindergarten’s Sun Protection Policy hats are to be worn whenever the sun’s UV levels reach three or higher. In Victoria, UV levels are usually three or higher from mid-August to the end of April. Our staff check the daily local sun protection times to be sure your children are using sun protection when it is required. Hats should be of legionnaire design with shade flap at back or a broad-brimmed hat with a brim of at least ten centimetres that does not blow off easily. You can purchase a suitable hat as part of Doncaster Kindergarten’s uniform. Jacket, warm hat, hooded parka Winter coats, warm hats and waterproof clothes are recommended for wet and cold days. We do NOT encourage toys to be brought to kindergarten as they may be damaged or lost and your child will not have them to play with at home or they may hinder a child from exploring kindergarten toys. The 4-year-old groups will have the opportunity to share special items from home during “show and tell”. A notice will be sent home to inform you of this. Definitely NO WAR TOYS OR GUNS are to be brought to kindergarten at any time. Please ensure all belongings are labelled.
Food and hygieneIt is the parent’s responsibility to notify the educator (in writing) of any food allergy that their child may have. This is particularly important for the occasions when a special celebration (e.g. a birthday) is taking place at the kindergarten or when the children are cooking. Your child’s teacher will work with you closely in formulating an allergy management plan in order to minimise food allergens. DONCASTER KINDERGARTEN IS A NUT SAFE ZONE Children in our 3-year-old program and our 4-year-old program will bring their own healthy snack in a snack box to each session. On their long day/s at kinder, 4-year-old children will also bring a lunch box. Children may also have, when appropriate, birthday cake (or an alternative such as icy pole, Natural Confectionery Company lollies, etc.) provided by the parents. All children are encouraged to eat a good breakfast before their morning sessions and 3-year-old and four-year old children attending their shorter sessions will have their lunch at home. All children must have water to drink. No fruit juice, cordial or flavoured milk drinks please. Hand washing will also occur when entering the kindergarten prior to each session commencing and before any activity that involves food handling and after outdoor activities. Children are encouraged to be fully toilet trained when attending the kindergarten. However, in the instance where children need to be changed, the kindergarten has facilities for nappy changes. Children are encouraged not to swap hats, food or drinks. Due to the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2013, it is not possible, in circumstances where a child must stay indoors for medical reasons, for the staff to be able to supervise them when the remainder of the group is doing outside activities. For this reason, such children must either be kept home from kindergarten or collected prior to the commencement of the outdoor play period.
Kindergarten managementDoncaster Kindergarten is run by a Committee of parents, elected each year. The Committee oversees the teaching staff and program, the budget, and takes responsibility for compliance with rules and regulations. The Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)/Information Night held in October.
Parent participationParents are strongly encouraged to participate in the programs, it is a wonderful chance to see your child learn and get to know their friends. Parents, grandparents and guardians are requested to help throughout the term in the session activities. Parent involvement and participation is an important and rewarding way to enhance your child’s overall growth and development. Parents at the kindergarten become part of the teaching team, a partnership that enriches experiences for the children by supporting the curriculum and learning environment. Each family is encouraged to participate in the kindergarten program at least two to three times per term. In saying this though, it is understood that many parents work and are not able to help out at kindergarten however it is expected that they are able to help out in other ways (such as working bees, BBQs, fundraising). Family participation enables educators to provide a more dynamic program for your children. A list of duties to be performed is displayed at the kindergarten. If you are unable to attend on your chosen day, please contact the kindergarten. Rosters are provided by the educators at your interview and prior to term end. Rosters are located next to the sign in book in the foyer. Please note: Observations of children made while assisting in the kindergarten are to remain confidential. To respect the privacy of each child, the progress, skills and behaviour of the children must not be discussed with other parents. Daily photos are taken by educators as part of the planning process. Please do not take photos of other children at kindergarten unless you have permission from their parent. Any comments or queries regarding a particular child or group of children must be directed to the educator. Working Bees Your participation at working bees is vital to the ongoing maintenance and operations of the Kinder. At working bees parents perform general maintenance and cleaning tasks, ensuring the kinder is a clean and safe place for children, staff, parents and the community, as well as assisting us to meet the regulations governing kindergartens. Information regarding times and maintenance required is sent out to families throughout the year.