Below are some frequently asked questions about our fees and fee structure.
What are the fees for 3 year old and 4 year old kinder?​
Since 2023, the Victorian Government have offered "free kinder" which means we will not be charging term fees for 3 or 4 year old kinder.
What happens to the money I have paid if I withdraw from kindergarten before attending?​
The $25 Application Fee is non-refundable and the $100 deposit (paid when accepting the position) is refundable if your child does not end up taking up their position.
What happens to the $100 deposit when my child starts at Doncaster Kindergarten?
​We use your child's $100 deposit as payment of $25 per term towards incursions and excursions which take place at various intervals during the year. If the money is not spent on incursions and excursions, it will be refunded to parents.
How many hours are provided for the FREE funded 4 year old kinder program?
As the 4 year old program is funded by the Government, we are required to provide 600 hours of kinder (15 hours x 40 weeks).
How many hours are provided for the FREE funded 3 year old kinder program?
In 2024 and 2025, our FREE 3 year old program is funded by the Government and the program is 7 hours per week (2 x 3.5 hour sessions). Please note, your child is able to attend between 5 and 15 hours of FREE 3-year-old kindergarten in Victoria. Given that we have one classroom, we only have space for 7 hours of 3-year-old kindergarten at the moment as our two different 4-year-old classes occupy the room at the other times during the week. Please contact us if you would like more information about this.